As Los Angeles prepares for potential City Charter reform, the success and equity of this process depend on the engagement of City residents. In addition to the informational resources provided throughout our website, we will strive to keep you up to date with upcoming public hearings as well as other relevant community events.
As there is no advanced schedule for all future city hearings, we will be frequently updating this page as new events and meetings are organized. Events will appear in reverse chronological order - future events near the top, and current and past events near the bottom. Past events will remain linked so that you may view recordings or other relevant details.
Both the Committee on City Governance Reform and City Council as a whole will likely hold multiple meetings regarding potential City Charter reform. During such meetings, members of the public can provide public comment: either in-person, or sometimes with an option to call into the meeting. We will provide the date and time of such meetings, as well as any call-in instructions and information on items under discussion that day.
The Fair Rep LA Coalition and other local advocacy groups and organizations are planning to hold several community events. Such events may be in-person throughout the City of Los Angeles, or may include various webinars and virtual gatherings — serving both as educational opportunities for the public as well as a chance to collect public feedback and representational demands regarding potential Charter Reform options. We will provide details for such upcoming events as soon as possible.
Ad Hoc Committee On City Governance Reform - Meeting
The Committee on City Governance Reform did not finish discussions of the CLA's recommendations nor take any votes during the previous meeting on September 18th. Council President Paul Krekorian instructed the CLA to create a cohesive draft proposal for an Independent Redistricting Commission charter amendment, rather than the decision matrix that the Committee has been using up to this point. CM Krekorian also indicated that he plans to hold another meeting of the Committee in early October, at which point they would start by voting on (with potential amendments) the forthcoming CLA IRC proposal in order to send it to the full City Council, and then dive in to in-depth discussions of Council Expansion. The CLA's office was instructed to provide the proposal "well in advance" of this as-yet unscheduled meeting in order to allow Councilmembers and the public time to evaluate the draft IRC proposal language.
We will provide more information here as soon as it is available.
So far, the Governance Reform Committee has only accepted Public Comment IN-PERSON, there has been NO opportunity for members of the public to offer comment remotely. Fair Rep LA continues to demand that ALL meetings of the Ad Hoc Governance Reform Committee accept remote public comment in order to promote and facilitate community engagement on this vital issue of charter reform.
View all of our Coalition Recommendations HERE.
09/18/2023 10:00 AM Los Angeles City Hall 200 N Spring St. Room 340
Ad Hoc Committee on City Governance Reform - Meeting
On Monday, September 18st, the CLA's office presented their updated charter reform recommendations focused on the future Independent Redistricting Commission, based on past public hearings to the members of the Ad Hoc Committee on City Governance Reform. These updated recommendations (published September 15th) can be viewed at the link below. The Committee instructed the CLA to submit a cohesive proposal for an Independent Redistricting Commission that would include new charter language, rather than the decision matrix that had been presented up to this point. Council President Paul Krekorian indicated that he planned to schedule the next meeting of the Governance Reform Committee in early October, at which point the Committee would start by voting on (with potential amendments) the forthcoming CLA IRC proposal in order to send it to the full City Council, and then dive in to in-depth discussions of Council Expansion. The CLA's office was instructed to provide the proposal "well in advance" of this as-yet unscheduled meeting in order to allow Councilmembers and the public time to evaluate the draft IRC proposal language.
There was no call-in option for this meeting, only in-person public comment was accepted. Fair Rep LA continues to demand that ALL meetings of the Ad Hoc Governance Reform Committee accept remote public comment in order to promote and facilitate community engagement on this vital issue of charter reform. View all of our Coalition Recommendations HERE.
08/28/2023 10:00 AM Los Angeles City Hall 200 N Spring St. Room 340
Ad Hoc Committee on City Governance Reform - Meeting
On Monday, August 28st, the CLA's office presented their reform recommendations based on past public hearings to the members of the Ad Hoc Committee on City Governance Reform. These recommendations (published August 25th) can be viewed at the link below. The final recommendations discussed include expanding City Council to 23 councilmembers, which would not be implemented until the 2032 election. The Fair Rep LA Coalition views 23 councilmembers as a minimum, and recommends that expansion and independent redistricting are implemented in time for the 2026 election cycle, rather than Angelenos having to wait a decade from the Fed Tapes in order to see equitable changes to our local governance.
There was no call-in option for this meeting, only in-person public comment was accepted. Fair Rep LA continues to demand that ALL meetings of the Ad Hoc Governance Reform Committee accept remote public comment in order to promote and facilitate community engagement on this vital issue of charter reform. View all of our Coalition Recommendations HERE.
08/24/2023 10:00 AM Virtual – Zoom
Fair Rep LA & FM3 Research – Government Reform Poll Results Virtual Community Briefing
On Thursday, August 24th, our coalition was joined by FM3 Research as they presented the results of a recent poll of Los Angeles voters, which covered independent redistricting, City Council expansion, democracy vouchers, and more! See the results for yourself at FairRepLA.com/FRLApoll!
08/10/2023 1:00 PM Los Angeles City Hall 200 N Spring St. Room 340
Ad Hoc Committee On City Governance Reform - Meeting
The meeting on August 10th featured presentations by academic experts and community organizations. Presentations were given by the LA Governance Reform Project, Our LA, and California Common Cause. Sadly, Fair Rep LA was not given a chance to present our coalition recommendations during this meeting. Our coalition recommendations have been sent to all of the members of the Ad Hoc Governance Reform Committe, have been sent to the respective City Council File, and are available to the public through our website. Thank you to everyone who was able to join our coalition members at City hall to advocate for equitable representation in Los Angeles.
There was no call-in option for this meeting, only in-person public comment was accepted.
08/06/2023 6:00 PM Virtual – Zoom
Fair Rep LA & LA Forward – Charter Reform Updates Virtual Teach-In
On Sunday, August 6th, our coalition hosted a virtual teach-in: LA City Council Size & Independent Redistricting. We covered the actions of the Ad Hoc Governance Reform Committee since their formation in November 2022, as well as what to expect from upcoming public hearings as the charter reform process continues. We also covered several of the recommendations that Fair Rep LA will be presenting to the Committee and to City Council, and ways you can get involved and be heard in this vital civic reform process.
06/21/2023 7:00 PM Virtual – Zoom
Fair Rep LA & LA Forward – Redistricting Maps Virtual Teach-in!
On Wednesday, June 21st, our coalition hosted a virtual teach-in: How to Draw a Better City Council. We explored the impact of various numbers of council seats on different communities of Angelenos and provided resources for you draft your own maps of a potential LA City Council. We covered the requirements for drawing a valid map, the specific challenges of redistricting the City of LA, and walked you through how to use an online tool called Dave’s Redistricting to draw and learn from your own expanded council map.
06/12/2023 10:00 AM Los Angeles City Hall Room 340
Ad Hoc Committee On City Governance Reform - Meeting
The meeting on Monday, June 12th continued to review aspects of the CLA's report and potential reform options. Under discussion this time: Independent Commission Support Systems. This meeting had great turnout, thank you for all those who came to provide their thoughts on City Charter reform, as well as the representational needs of your community.
There was no call-in option for this meeting, only in-person public comment was accepted.
06/01/2023 10:00 AM Cheviot Hills Recreation Center 2551 Motor Ave.
Ad Hoc Committee On City Governance Reform - Meeting
The meeting on Thursday, June 1st continued to review aspects of the CLA's report and potential reform options. Under discussion this time: Instructions for the Independent Commission. Thank you for all those who came to provide their thoughts on City Charter reform, as well as the representational needs of your community.
There was no call-in option for this meeting, only in-person public comment was accepted.
05/22/2023 4:00 PM Van Nuys City Hall 14410 Sylvan St.
Ad Hoc Committee On City Governance Reform - Meeting
The meeting on Monday, May 22nd continued to review aspects of the CLA's report and potential reform options. Under discussion this time: The Independent Commission Selection Process. Thank you to all those who came to provide their thoughts on City Charter reform, as well as the representational needs of our community.
There was no call-in option for this meeting, only in-person public comment was accepted.
04/20/2023 4:00 PM Expo Center 3980 Bill Robertson Ln.
Ad Hoc Committee On City Governance Reform - Meeting
The meeting on Thursday, April 20th continued to review aspects of the CLA's report and potential reform options. Under discussion this time: The Size of City Council & Council Districts. Thank you to all those who came to provide their thoughts on City Charter reform, as well as the representational needs of our community.
There was no call-in option for this meeting, only in-person public comment was accepted.
04/13/2023 10:00 AM Los Angeles City Hall Room 340
Ad Hoc Committee On City Governance Reform - Meeting
This meeting covered feedback and specifics of the CLA report — discussions of the report were the ONLY item on the agenda. The Office of the CLA spoke in detail regarding general considerations of an Independent Redistricting Commission Thank you to all those who came to provide their thoughts on an Independent Redistricting Commission and City Council Expansion, as well as the representational needs of our community.
There was no call-in option for this meeting, only in-person public comment was accepted.