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LA City Council Size & Independent Redistricting – Virtual Teach-In

A graphic invitation to Fair Rep LA's virtual teach-in on LA City Council Size and Independent Redistricting on August 6th. The teach-in covers the ongoing charter reform process and what to expect from upcoming public hearings.

The LA City Council Ad Hoc Governance Reform Committee is preparing for their final few meetings prior to making recommendations to the full Los Angeles City Council! The first of the upcoming Ad Hoc Gov Reform meetings will be held at Los Angeles City Hall at 10am, Thursday, August 10th, after which the CLA will create her recommendations regarding council size and independent redistricting.

On Sunday, August 6th, at 6pm, we held a virtual teach-in connecting what's happened so far in this reform process with the steps that come next. We covered ways for you to get involved and make your voice heard, and also provided a preview of our policy recommendations for City Council.

The full recording of this teach-in and the presentation PDF are available below!

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